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The Official Man beast website!
The place you can find out everything and anything about Man beast!

man beast Man beast the one and
only, well not really, as
you know Man beast
kills people, normally
people like Grandpa,
and people he hates,
and normally he
doesn't say much but
his catch phrase. "I
cleaned your Septic
Tank for free." and yes
Man beast does really
clean Septic Tanks. It doesn't pay much seeing that his
service is free, but the Septic always smells better
when it's free. Oh then he normally kills the person
who he's cleaning the Septic Tank for.
Well that's Man beast.

Man beast is also based on a Fat Family character also named Man beast, going by many other names do to the randomness of the Fat Family movies, he has gone by the names: Man beast, Septic Tank Man, and The Killer (that Grandpa ordered on "www.iwishkiller.com").

 This month's featured item:

Are you a good killer

Are you a good killer?
made as a advertisement the idea of this is
to look like a ad that almost everyone on the internet these days sees. And it is made for this site and by Man beast and is also object to the copyright form
View file here.

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